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FALL 2022 final papers
FALL 2022 final papers
Criteria Ratings Pts
Is the Thesis/Objective of the Essay clearly identified and explained.
Is the main concept studied in the articles properly defined and related to the course?
threshold: pts
15.0 Pts
Full marks
0.0 Pts
No marks
15.0 pts
Article Summary
For each article: 15 points each
What concepts/variables are used in the article and how are they defined?
Have you provided a detailed summary of the article: Research question, sample, methods, findings.
threshold: pts
30.0 Pts
Full marks
0.0 Pts
No marks
30.0 pts
Article Evaluation
For each article:
Who was article written for? What is the rationale for conducting this study? (4 points)
Commonalities between the articles?
Differences between the articles
threshold: pts
40.0 Pts
Full marks
0.0 Pts
No marks
40.0 pts
What were 2 interesting things that you found about the article (10 points)
TO whom might these articles be useful? (5 points)
threshold: pts
15.0 Pts
Full marks
0.0 Pts
No marks
15.0 pts
APA Formatting and Grammar
10 points for following APA formatting guidelines: double-spaced, with a cover sheet, running head, pagination, and a full page reference, minimum of 2 sources, one of which must be a peer-reviewed research article. In-Text Citations. (Tip: check the capitalization of your articles, especially if you use a citation tools, these may not be correct so you fix it before you turn it in.)
10 points for grammar: Make sure to have the WLC read your paper for logical cohesion, read the paper out loud to catch any odd words. Tip: run a spell check before you submit to catch any misspelled words.
threshold: pts
20.0 Pts
Full marks
0.0 Pts
No marks
20.0 pts
Total points: 120.0 out of 120.0